By now we all know that excellent oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist can get you one step closer to optimal oral health. However, if you do not effectively utilize tools used for your oral hygiene routine, you may actually cause more harm than good.
For instance, if you are flossing incorrectly, you can actually damage the gum tissue, which may lead to bleeding or open wounds in the gums. Good technique and proper oral hygiene tools are a crucial part of maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine.
In this post, we will highlight the proper ways to maintain your toothbrush in hopes it will aid in your journey to better oral health. If you have any questions, please visit Levesque Family Dentistry in Nashua, NH. Drs. Tara Levesque-Vogel, Keith M. Levesque, and Adrian J. Levesque, Jr. offer experienced, personalized family dental care for all of your oral health needs.
- Do not share your toothbrush. Sharing toothbrushes is an easy way to transfer harmful bacteria and germs from person to person. Even if it is one time, sharing toothbrushes may lead to transferring of diseases.
- Replace your toothbrush every 3-3 months. Your toothbrush wears down over time and may fray or break. You don’t want to damage your teeth or gums, so replacing your toothbrush regularly is vital.
- Soak your toothbrush in antibacterial mouthwash to remove bacteria.
- Rinse your toothbrush after each use to remove debris and bacteria.
- Store your toothbrush in an upright position to allow proper drainage. Moist toothbrushes are more likely to harbor harmful bacteria and may even become a breeding ground for mold.
- Do not store your toothbrush in a closed space. Your toothbrush needs proper ventilation to dry properly. You never want to store a wet toothbrush in an enclosed space. If you do, purchase a new toothbrush.
- Store your toothbrush away from the toilet to avoid contamination.
If you have any questions regarding your oral health or you would like to schedule a visit, contact Levesque Dentistry.