Archive for the ‘Missing Teeth’ Category

3 Common Causes of Tooth Loss

If you have missing teeth, you are familiar with the debilitating side effects they can bring. They will hinder your ability to chew and speak normally and disrupt the appearance of your smile. Your dentist can use restorative dental solutions…

Dentures at Levesque Dentistry

Dentures can restore a functional, natural-looking smile with cosmetic dentures that are designed to blend with your natural appearance and facial structure. Dr. Tara Levesque replaces missing teeth with dentures in her Nashua, NH, dental office. Full and partial dentures…

Do I Need to Replace Missing Teeth?

Millions of Americans have missing teeth, and lost teeth are not always the result of poor oral health. Just as there are different reasons why people are missing teeth, there are several different methods of replacing them. Replacing your missing…

Replacing Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can age your smile and cause you to feel less confident about your teeth. If left untreated, missing teeth may lead to infected or further tooth loss. Undergoing a full comprehensive exam to determine the cause of tooth…