Archive for the ‘tooth whitening’ Category

4 Treatments for a Brighter Smile

Brushing your teeth can help you get rid of surface stains, but over time, deeper discoloration may make your teeth dull or yellow. This might not be removed through your typical oral hygiene routine. You can schedule a consultation with…

Protect Your Smile from Coffee

More than half of American adults drink at least one cup of coffee per day. Despite its popularity, many people do not know the potential damage that this beverage can cause to the structure and appearance of teeth. However, if…

Get Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

The cosmetic dental experts at Levesque Dentistry in Nashua, NH, offer professional teeth whitening for a brighter, whiter smile, a sure way to boost your confidence. With our expertise, you can expect the highest level of care and advanced treatment…

How to Whiten Your Teeth

Tooth discoloration naturally occurs over time. However, this process can be increased by factors such as smoking, chewing tobacco, or daily consumption of coffee, tea, soda, or red wine. Establishing and following a routine of brushing and flossing, as recommended…

Brighten Your Smile Today

Are you about to “take the plunge” and marry the person of your dreams? Maybe you have that big interview for your dream job coming up? Or a family portrait appointment? Maybe your pearly whites are not so pearly or…