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Maintaining Your Oral Health and Diet

You know to brush and floss twice a day and visit the dentist for routine dental cleanings. However, many patients aren’t aware of how their diet affects their teeth and gums. Even if you brush and floss twice a day,…

Should I Get Dentures or Dental Implants?

Dental implants and dentures are both good options for restoring your smile, but the best choice for tooth replacement is dependent on each patient’s situation. Implants and dentures each have their own benefits and criteria that patients have to meet…

4 Benefits of Dental Implants

There used to be only a few methods of tooth replacement available if you had lost or permanently damaged a permanent tooth. Dental bridges and dentures are long-established treatments to restore your smile to a healthier appearance, but they need…

What’s Causing My Tooth Pain?

As anyone who has ever had a toothache knows, the sooner the tooth pain is relieved, the better. Sore or painful teeth are never normal and can be a sign that there is a problem in your mouth that needs…

4 Tips For Improving Your Oral Health

Seeing your dentist for regular preventive care visits is important, but did you know that there’s something even more important for you to do to preserve your oral health? It may surprise you to learn that your at-home dental hygiene…

How Dental Crowns Help Patients Avoid Tooth Loss

Our teeth are strong, but they’re not invulnerable. Sometimes they can become damaged due to injury or tooth decay, and the patient and their dentist must decide if the tooth. A dental crown -- a cap that covers your existing…