Nashua NH Dentist Blog

Know The Signs of GERD

Acid reflux also referred to as GERD, affects approximately 33% of adults in the US. GERD is a common medical concern that may cause irreversible effects on your oral health. Understanding the oral-body connection can help you understand how acid…

Seal Out Kid’s Cavities

We know that starting our kids on a dental hygiene routine from an early age is critical for their lifelong oral health. Flossing and brushing are the best ways to keep out cavities and prevent tooth decay. If you would…

Chewing Gum To Save Your Teeth

It’s true! Chewing gum- the right kind of gum- can actually help to prevent tooth decay! Contrary to popular belief, chewing gum has been approved by the ADA as beneficial in the fight against cavities. Talk to Dr. Tara Levesque-Vogel,…

Back To School Dental Routine

The end of summer marks the beginning of back-to-school preparations, which include establishing a new daily routine. While oral care may not seem as important for school, your child’s oral health is crucial to his or her overall health. Dr.…

Beware Of Sports Drinks: They Can Harm Your Teeth

Sport drinks, like Gatorade and Powerade, are popular for both children and adults. Many sport drinks contain electrolytes and vitamins that are helpful to maintain energy during sporting activities. Others prefer tasty sports drinks as an alternative to water to…

Maintaining Good Oral Health

June is Oral Health Month and now is great time to refresh your oral health. Good oral health goes beyond just a white smile and fresh breath. Maintaining your oral health not only prevents tooth decay and gum disease but…